adj. Function: adjective
being such without qualification -- used especially to intensify the noun modified FF1C; acted like an utter idiot FF1E;
Synonyms: absolute, all-fired, arrant, black, blamed, blank, blankety-blank, blasted, bleeding, blessed, blighted, blinding, ||blinking, blithering, *||bloody, ||blooming, blue, complete, confounded, ||consarned, consummate, crashing, dad-blamed, dad-blasted, dad-burned, damned, dang, darn ( or durn), dashed, deuced, doggone, double-distilled, double-dyed, downright, flat-out, *fucking, *goddamn, goldarn, gross, hell-fired, infernal, out-and-out, outright, perfect, positive, ||proper, pure, ||puredee ( or pure-D), rank, regular, *||ruddy, sheer, stark, straight-out, ||tarnation, thoroughgoing, total, unmitigated, unqualified; compare PURE 2