Meaning of WEAKEN in English

v. Function: verb

1 to lose or cause to lose strength, vigor, or energy FF1C; his hesitation weakened the force of his argument FF1E;

Synonyms: attenuate, blunt, cripple, debilitate, disable, enfeeble, sap, unbrace, undermine, unstrengthen; compare PARALYZE 1

Related Words: emasculate, enervate, incapacitate, unman, unnerve; damage, impair, injure; lessen, minimize, reduce; dilute, thin

Contrasted Words: better, improve; activate, energize, invigorate, vitalize

Antonyms: strengthen


Synonyms: FAIL 1, decline, deteriorate, ||dwine, fade, flag, languish


Synonyms: FAIL 3, dwindle, fall short, shrink, wane, waste (away)


Synonyms: DILUTE , cut, thin

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.