transcription, транскрипция: [ eɪliən ]
( aliens)
Alien means belonging to a different country, race, or group, usually one you do not like or are frightened of. ( FORMAL )
He said they were opposed to the presence of alien forces in the region.
= foreign
ADJ : usu ADJ n [ disapproval ]
You use alien to describe something that seems strange and perhaps frightening, because it is not part of your normal experience.
His work offers an insight into an alien culture.
= unfamiliar
ADJ : usu ADJ n
If something is alien to you or to your normal feelings or behaviour, it is not the way you would normally feel or behave. ( FORMAL )
Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen.
= foreign, unfamiliar
ADJ : v-link ADJ to n
An alien is someone who is not a legal citizen of the country in which they live. ( FORMAL or LEGAL )
= foreigner
In science fiction, an alien is a creature from outer space.