transcription, транскрипция: [ ɪnveɪ ]
( inveighs, inveighing, inveighed)
If you inveigh against something, you criticize it strongly. ( FORMAL )
A lot of his writings inveigh against luxury and riches.
VERB : V against n
transcription, транскрипция: [ ɪnveɪ ]
( inveighs, inveighing, inveighed)
If you inveigh against something, you criticize it strongly. ( FORMAL )
A lot of his writings inveigh against luxury and riches.
VERB : V against n
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary. Английский словарь Коллинз COBUILD для изучающих язык на продвинутом уровне. 2006