transcription, транскрипция: [ lɒgɪŋ, AM lɔ:g- ]
Logging is the activity of cutting down trees in order to sell the wood.
Logging companies would have to leave a central area of the forest before the end of the year.
N-UNCOUNT : oft N n
transcription, транскрипция: [ lɒgɪŋ, AM lɔ:g- ]
Logging is the activity of cutting down trees in order to sell the wood.
Logging companies would have to leave a central area of the forest before the end of the year.
N-UNCOUNT : oft N n
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary. Английский словарь Коллинз COBUILD для изучающих язык на продвинутом уровне. 2006