transcription, транскрипция: [ nætə(r) ]
( natters, nattering, nattered)
When people natter , they talk casually for a long time about unimportant things. ( mainly BRIT INFORMAL )
If something dramatic has happened during the day, we’ll sit and natter about it...
Susan and the girl were still nattering away in German...
Ahead of you is a day of nattering with fellow farmers at the local market...
You natter all day long at the hospital...
His mother would natter to anyone.
= chat
V-RECIP : pl-n V , pl-n V away/on , V with n , NON-RECIP : V , V to n
Natter is also a noun.
What’s the topic of conversation when a group of new mums get together for a natter?
= chinwag, chat
N-SING : a N