Meaning of OATH in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ oʊθ ]

( oaths)


An oath is a formal promise, especially a promise to be loyal to a person or country.

He took an oath of loyalty to the government...

= pledge

N-COUNT : oft N of n

see also Hippocratic oath


In a court of law, when someone takes the oath , they make a formal promise to tell the truth. You can say that someone is on oath or under oath when they have made this promise.

His girlfriend had gone into the witness box and taken the oath...

Under oath, Aston finally admitted that he had lied...

Three officers gave evidence on oath against him.

N-SING : the N , also on/under N


An oath is an offensive or emphatic word or expression which you use when you are angry or shocked. ( WRITTEN )

Wellor let out a foul oath and hurled himself upon him.

= curse


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