transcription, транскрипция: [ saɪk ]
also psyche
( psychs, psyching, psyched)
• psych out
If you psych out your opponent in a contest, you try to make them feel less confident by behaving in a very confident or aggressive way. ( INFORMAL )
They are like heavyweight boxers, trying to psych each other out and build themselves up.
PHRASAL VERB : V n P , also V P n (not pron)
• psych up
If you psych yourself up before a contest or a difficult task, you prepare yourself for it mentally, especially by telling yourself that you can win or succeed. ( INFORMAL )
After work, it is hard to psych yourself up for an hour at the gym...
Before the game everyone gets psyched up and starts shouting.
PHRASAL VERB : V pron-refl P , get V-ed P