Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
If you are ~ of someone or ~ to do something, you are frightened because you think that something very unpleasant is going to happen to you.
She did not seem at all ~...
I was ~ of the other boys...
I’m still ~ to sleep in my own bedroom.
= frightened
ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ of n, ADJ to-inf
If you are ~ for someone else, you are worried that something horrible is going to happen to them.
She’s ~ for her family in Somalia.
ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ for n
If you are ~ that something unpleasant will happen, you are worried that it may happen and you want to avoid it.
I was ~ that nobody would believe me...
The Government is ~ of losing the election...
ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ that, ADJ of -ing, ADJ to-inf
If you want to apologize to someone or to disagree with them in a polite way, you can say I’m ~. (SPOKEN)
We don’t have anything like that, I’m ~...
I’m ~ I can’t help you...
PHRASE: PHR with cl, PHR that politeness