Meaning of CONSIDERATION in English


Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.


Consideration is careful thought about something.

He said there should be careful ~ of the future role of the BBC.



If something is under ~, it is being discussed.

Several proposals are under ~ by the state assembly.

N-UNCOUNT: under N


If you show ~, you pay attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.

Show ~ for other rail travellers...

Really, her tone said, some people have absolutely no ~.

N-UNCOUNT: oft N for n


A ~ is something that should be thought about, especially when you are planning or deciding something.

A major ~ when choosing a dog is the size of your house and garden.

= factor

N-COUNT: usu supp N


If you take something into ~, you think about it because it is relevant to what you are doing.

Safe driving is good driving because it takes into ~ the lives of other people.

PHRASE: V inflects

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