Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
Something that is described as ~ is much larger or more important than most others of its kind.
...Italy’s ~ car maker, Fiat.
...a ~ oak table.
...a ~ step towards unification with the introduction of monetary union.
= huge
Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country. (JOURNALISM)
...Japanese electronics ~ Sony.
...one of Germany’s industrial ~s, Daimler-Benz.
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A ~ is an imaginary person who is very big and strong, especially one mentioned in old stories.
...a Nordic saga of ~s.
You can refer to someone, especially a man, as a ~, if they seem important or powerful or if they are big and strong.
The biggest man in the patrol, a ~ of a man, lifted Mattie on to his shoulders.
N-COUNT: usu a N of n
You can refer to someone such as a famous musician or writer as a ~, if they are regarded as one of the most important or successful people in their field.
He was without question one of the ~s of Japanese literature.
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