If one thing ~s another, or if you ~ them, a part of the first thing occupies the same area as a part of the other thing. You can also say that two things ~.
When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom ~s one side of the bag...
Overlap the slices carefully so there are no gaps...
Use vinyl seam adhesive where vinyls ~...
The edges must ~ each other or weeds will push through the gaps.
V-RECIP: V n, V pl-n, pl-n V, pl-n V n
If one idea or activity ~s another, or ~s with another, they involve some of the same subjects, people, or periods of time.
Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom ~ped Naomi’s world...
Christian holy week ~s with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover...
The needs of patients invariably ~...
V-RECIP: V n, V with n, pl-n V
Overlap is also a noun.
...the ~ between civil and military technology...
N-VAR: oft N between pl-n