If someone is ~ or does ~ things, they act without thinking carefully first, and therefore make mistakes or behave foolishly.
It would be ~ to rely on such evidence...
Mr. Major is making no ~ promises...
I made quite a lot of money, but I ~ly gave most of it away...
ADV: ADV with cl, ADV after v
With characteristic ~ness and valor, Peter plunged into the icy water.
A ~ is an area of red spots that appears on your skin when you are ill or have a bad reaction to something that you have eaten or touched.
He may break out in a ~ when he eats these nuts...
If you talk about a ~ of events or things, you mean a large number of unpleasant events or undesirable things, which have happened or appeared within a short period of time.
...one of the few major airlines left untouched by the industry’s ~ of takeovers...
= spate
N-SING: N of n