n. & adj.
n. 1 Brit. a small unleavened cake, usu. flat and crisp and often sweet. 2 fired unglazed pottery. 3 a light brown colour.
adj. biscuit-coloured.
[ ME f. OF bescoit etc. ult. f. L bis twice + coctus past part. of coquere cook ]
n. & adj.
n. 1 Brit. a small unleavened cake, usu. flat and crisp and often sweet. 2 fired unglazed pottery. 3 a light brown colour.
adj. biscuit-coloured.
[ ME f. OF bescoit etc. ult. f. L bis twice + coctus past part. of coquere cook ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012