v. & n.
v.tr. (past and past. part. built) 1 a construct (a house, vehicle, fire, road, model, etc.) by putting parts or material together. b commission, finance, and oversee the building of (the council has built two new schools). 2 (often foll. by up) establish, develop, make, or accumulate gradually (built the business up from nothing); (often foll. by on); base (hopes, theories, etc.) (ideas built on a false foundation). 3 (as built adj.) having a specified build (sturdily built; brick-built).
n. 1 the proportions of esp. the human body (a slim build). 2 a style of construction; a make (build of his suit was pre-war). build in incorporate as part of a structure. build in (or round or up) surround with houses etc.; block up. build on add (an extension etc.). build up 1 increase in size or strength. 2 praise; boost. 3 gradually become established. build-up n. 1 a favourable description in advance; publicity. 2 a gradual approach to a climax or maximum (the build-up was slow but sure). built-in 1 forming an integral part of a structure. 2 forming an integral part of a person's character (built-in integrity). built on sand unstable. built-up 1 (of a locality) densely covered by houses etc. 2 increased in height etc. by the addition of parts. 3 composed of separately prepared parts.
[ OE byldan f. bold dwelling f. Gmc: cf. BOWER(1), BOOTH ]