Meaning of CHEAT in English

v. & n.

v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by into, out of) deceive or trick (cheated into parting with his savings). b (foll. by of) deprive of (cheated of a chance to reply). 2 intr. gain unfair advantage by deception or breaking rules, esp. in a game or examination. 3 tr. avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill (cheated the bad weather). 4 tr. archaic divert attention from, beguile (time, tedium, etc.).

n. 1 a person who cheats. 2 a trick, fraud, or deception. 3 an act of cheating. cheat on colloq. be sexually unfaithful to. cheatingly adv.

[ ME chete f. achete, var. of ESCHEAT ]

Concise Oxford English dictionary.      Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка.