n. & adj.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a small soft round stone-fruit. b any of several trees of the genus Prunus bearing this or grown for its ornamental flowers. 2 (in full cherry wood) the wood of a cherry. 3 US sl. a virginity. b a virgin.
adj. of a light red colour. cherry brandy a dark-red liqueur of brandy in which cherries have been steeped. cherry-laurel Brit. a small evergreen tree, Prunus laurocerasus, with white flowers and cherry-like fruits. cherry-picker colloq. a crane for raising and lowering people. cherry-pie 1 a pie made with cherries. 2 a garden heliotrope. cherry plum 1 a tree, Prunus cerasifera, native to SW Asia, with solitary white flowers and red fruits. 2 the fruit of this tree. cherry tomato a miniature tomato with a strong flavour.
[ ME f. ONF cherise (taken as pl.: cf. PEA) f. med.L ceresia perh. f. L f. Gk kerasos ]