n. & v.
n. 1 behaviour (esp. in its moral aspect). 2 the action or manner of directing or managing (business, war, etc.). 3 Art mode of treatment, execution. 4 leading, guidance.
v. 1 tr. lead or guide (a person or persons). 2 tr. direct or manage (business etc.). 3 tr. (also absol.) be the conductor of (an orchestra, choir, etc.). 4 tr. Physics transmit (heat, electricity, etc.) by conduction. 5 refl. behave (conducted himself appropriately). conducted tour a tour led by a guide on a fixed itinerary. conduct sheet a record of a person's offences and punishments. conductible adj. conductibility n.
[ ME f. L conductus (as com-, ducere duct- lead): (v.) f. OF conduite past part. of conduire ]