adj., n., & v.
adj. slightly wet; moist.
n. 1 diffused moisture in the air, on a surface, or in a solid, esp. as a cause of inconvenience or danger. 2 dejection; discouragement. 3 = FIREDAMP. 1 make damp; moisten. 2 (often foll. by down) a take the force or vigour out of (damp one's enthusiasm). b make flaccid or spiritless. c make (a fire) burn less strongly by reducing the flow of air to it. 3 reduce or stop the vibration of (esp. the strings of a musical instrument). 4 quieten. damp (or damp-proof) course a layer of waterproof material in the wall of a building near the ground, to prevent rising damp. damp off (of a plant) die from a fungus attack in damp conditions. damp squib an unsuccessful attempt to impress etc. damply adv. dampness n.
[ ME f. MLG, = vapour etc., OHG dampf steam f. WG ]