v.tr. (discomfited, discomfiting) 1 a disconcert or baffle. b thwart. 2 archaic defeat in battle. discomfiture n.
[ ME f. disconfit f. OF past part. of desconfire f. Rmc (as DIS-, L conficere put together: see CONFECTION) ]
v.tr. (discomfited, discomfiting) 1 a disconcert or baffle. b thwart. 2 archaic defeat in battle. discomfiture n.
[ ME f. disconfit f. OF past part. of desconfire f. Rmc (as DIS-, L conficere put together: see CONFECTION) ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012