v.tr. (often absol.) 1 enter (a country etc.) under arms to control or subdue it. 2 swarm into. 3 (of a disease) attack (a body etc.). 4 encroach upon (a person's rights, esp. privacy). invader n.
[ L invadere invas- (as IN-(2), vadere go) ]
v.tr. (often absol.) 1 enter (a country etc.) under arms to control or subdue it. 2 swarm into. 3 (of a disease) attack (a body etc.). 4 encroach upon (a person's rights, esp. privacy). invader n.
[ L invadere invas- (as IN-(2), vadere go) ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012