n. & v.
n. 1 a a long weapon with a wooden shaft and a pointed steel head, used by a horseman in charging. b a similar weapon used for spearing a fish, killing a harpooned whale, etc. 2 a metal pipe supplying oxygen to burn metal. 3 = LANCER.
v.tr. 1 Surgery prick or cut open with a lancet. 2 pierce with a lance. 3 poet. fling; launch. break a lance (usu. foll. by for, with) argue. lance-bombardier a rank in the Royal Artillery corresponding to lance-corporal in the infantry. lance-corporal the lowest rank of NCO in the Army. lance-jack Brit. sl. a lance-corporal or lance-bombardier. lance-sergeant a corporal acting as sergeant. lance-snake = FER DE LANCE.
[ ME f. OF lancier f. L lancea: lance-corporal on analogy of obs. lancepesade lowest grade of NCO ult. f. It. lancia spezzata broken lance ]