n. 1 a a lamp with a transparent usu. glass case protecting a candle flame etc. b a similar electric etc. lamp. c its case. 2 a a raised structure on a dome, room, etc., glazed to admit light. b a similar structure for ventilation etc. 3 the light-chamber of a lighthouse. 4 = magic lantern. lantern fish any marine fish of the family Myctophidae, having small light organs on the head and body. lantern-fly (pl. -flies) any tropical homopterous insect of the family Fulgoridae, formerly thought to be luminous. lantern-jawed having lantern jaws. lantern jaws long thin jaws and chin, giving a hollow look to the face. lantern-slide a slide for projection by a magic lantern etc. (see SLIDE n. 5b). lantern-wheel a lantern-shaped gearwheel; a trundle.
[ ME f. OF lanterne f. L lanterna f. Gk lampter torch, lamp ]