adj. & n.
adj. 1 of the sex that can beget offspring by fertilization or insemination (male child; male dog). 2 of men or male animals, plants, etc.; masculine (the male sex; a male-voice choir). 3 a (of plants or their parts) containing only fertilizing organs. b (of plants) thought of as male because of colour, shape, etc. 4 (of parts of machinery etc.) designed to enter or fill the corresponding female part (a male screw).
n. a male person or animal. male chauvinist a man who is prejudiced against women or regards women as inferior. male fern a common lowland fern, Dryopteris filixmas. male menopause a crisis of potency, confidence, etc., supposed to afflict men in middle life. maleness n.
[ ME f. OF ma(s)le, f. L masculus f. mas a male ]