n. 1 a soft white form of hydrated magnesium silicate, chiefly found in Turkey, which resembles clay. 2 a tobacco-pipe with the bowl made from this.
[ G, = sea-foam f. Meer sea + Schaum foam, transl. pers. kef-i-darya, with ref. to its frothiness ]
n. 1 a soft white form of hydrated magnesium silicate, chiefly found in Turkey, which resembles clay. 2 a tobacco-pipe with the bowl made from this.
[ G, = sea-foam f. Meer sea + Schaum foam, transl. pers. kef-i-darya, with ref. to its frothiness ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012