n. 1 an evergreen shrub of the genus Myrtus with aromatic foliage and white flowers, esp. M. communis, bearing purple-black ovoid berries. 2 US = PERIWINKLE(1).
[ ME f. med.L myrtilla, -us dimin. of L myrta, myrtus f. Gk murtos ]
n. 1 an evergreen shrub of the genus Myrtus with aromatic foliage and white flowers, esp. M. communis, bearing purple-black ovoid berries. 2 US = PERIWINKLE(1).
[ ME f. med.L myrtilla, -us dimin. of L myrta, myrtus f. Gk murtos ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012