v.tr. (omitted, omitting) 1 leave out; not insert or include. 2 leave undone. 3 (foll. by verbal noun or to + infin.) fail or neglect (omitted saying anything; omitted to say). omissible adj.
[ ME f. L omittere omiss- (as OB-, mittere send) ]
v.tr. (omitted, omitting) 1 leave out; not insert or include. 2 leave undone. 3 (foll. by verbal noun or to + infin.) fail or neglect (omitted saying anything; omitted to say). omissible adj.
[ ME f. L omittere omiss- (as OB-, mittere send) ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012