v. & n.
v. 1 tr. a flow over (the brim, limits, etc.). b flow over the brim or limits of. 2 intr. a (of a receptacle etc.) be so full that the contents overflow it (until the cup was overflowing). b (of contents) overflow a container. 3 tr. (of a crowd etc.) extend beyond the limits of (a room etc.). 4 tr. flood (a surface or area). 5 intr. (foll. by with) be full of. 6 intr. (of kindness, a harvest, etc.) be very abundant.
n. (also attrib.) 1 what overflows or is superfluous (mop up the overflow; put the overflow audience in another room). 2 an instance of overflowing (overflow occurs when both systems are run together). 3 (esp. in a bath or sink) an outlet for excess water etc. 4 Computing the generation of a number having more digits than the assigned location. overflow meeting a meeting for those who cannot be accommodated at the main gathering.
[ OE oferflowan (as OVER-, FLOW) ]