n. 1 purification. 2 purging of the bowels. 3 spiritual cleansing, esp. (RC Ch.) of a soul in purgatory. 4 hist. the cleansing of oneself from accusation or suspicion by an oath or ordeal.
[ ME f. OF purgation or L purgatio (as PURGE) ]
n. 1 purification. 2 purging of the bowels. 3 spiritual cleansing, esp. (RC Ch.) of a soul in purgatory. 4 hist. the cleansing of oneself from accusation or suspicion by an oath or ordeal.
[ ME f. OF purgation or L purgatio (as PURGE) ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012