adj., n., & v.
adj. 1 of little depth. 2 superficial, trivial (a shallow mind).
n. (often in pl.) a shallow place.
v.intr. & tr. become or make shallow. shallowly adv. shallowness n.
[ ME, prob. rel. to schald, OE sceald SHOAL(2) ]
adj., n., & v.
adj. 1 of little depth. 2 superficial, trivial (a shallow mind).
n. (often in pl.) a shallow place.
v.intr. & tr. become or make shallow. shallowly adv. shallowness n.
[ ME, prob. rel. to schald, OE sceald SHOAL(2) ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012