adj. 1 of, caused by, or subject to, a spasm or spasms (a spasmodic jerk; spasmodic asthma). 2 occurring or done by fits and starts (spasmodic efforts). spasmodically adv.
[ mod.L spasmodicus f. Gk spasmodes (as SPASM) ]
adj. 1 of, caused by, or subject to, a spasm or spasms (a spasmodic jerk; spasmodic asthma). 2 occurring or done by fits and starts (spasmodic efforts). spasmodically adv.
[ mod.L spasmodicus f. Gk spasmodes (as SPASM) ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012