v. & n.
v. (trotted, trotting) 1 intr. (of a person) run at a moderate pace esp. with short strides. 2 intr. (of a horse) proceed at a steady pace faster than a walk lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately. 3 intr. colloq. walk or go. 4 tr. cause (a horse or person) to trot. 5 tr. traverse (a distance) at a trot.
n. 1 the action or exercise of trotting (proceed at a trot; went for a trot). 2 (the trots) sl. an attack of diarrhoea. 3 a brisk steady movement or occupation. 4 (in pl.) Austral. colloq. a trotting-races. b a meeting for these. on the trot colloq. 1 continually busy (kept them on the trot). 2 in succession (five weeks on the trot). trot out 1 cause (a horse) to trot to show his paces. 2 produce or introduce (as if) for inspection and approval, esp. tediously or repeatedly.
[ ME f. OF troter f. Rmc & med.L trottare, of Gmc orig. ]