v. & n.
v. (past and past part. unstuck) 1 tr. separate (a thing stuck to another). 2 Aeron. colloq. a intr. take off. b tr. cause (an aircraft) to take off.
n. Aeron. colloq. the moment of take-off. come unstuck colloq. come to grief, fail.
v. & n.
v. (past and past part. unstuck) 1 tr. separate (a thing stuck to another). 2 Aeron. colloq. a intr. take off. b tr. cause (an aircraft) to take off.
n. Aeron. colloq. the moment of take-off. come unstuck colloq. come to grief, fail.
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012