v.tr. (woos, wooed) 1 court; seek the hand or love of (a woman). 2 try to win (fame, fortune, etc.). 3 seek the favour or support of. 4 coax or importune. wooable adj. wooer n.
[ OE wogian (intr.), awogian (tr.), of unkn. orig. ]
v.tr. (woos, wooed) 1 court; seek the hand or love of (a woman). 2 try to win (fame, fortune, etc.). 3 seek the favour or support of. 4 coax or importune. wooable adj. wooer n.
[ OE wogian (intr.), awogian (tr.), of unkn. orig. ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012