n. & v.
n. 1 a homage or reverence paid to a deity, esp. in a formal service. b the acts, rites, or ceremonies of worship. 2 adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage shown towards a person or principle (the worship of wealth; regarded them with worship in their eyes). 3 archaic worthiness, merit; recognition given or due to these; honour and respect.
v. (worshipped, worshipping; US worshiped, worshiping) 1 tr. adore as divine; honour with religious rites. 2 tr. idolize or regard with adoration (worships the ground she walks on). 3 intr. attend public worship. 4 intr. be full of adoration. Your (or His or Her) Worship esp. Brit. a title of respect used to or of a mayor, certain magistrates, etc. worshipper n. (US worshiper).
[ OE weorthscipe (as WORTH, -SHIP) ]