adj. 25B6; adjective
Vivienne got angry : IRATE, annoyed, cross, vexed, irritated, indignant, irked; furious, enraged, infuriated, in a temper, incensed, raging, incandescent, fuming, seething, beside oneself, outraged; informal (hopping) mad, wild, livid, apoplectic, as cross as two sticks, hot under the collar, up in arms, foaming at the mouth, steamed up, in a lather/paddy, fit to be tied; Brit. informal aerated, shirty; N. Amer. informal sore, bent out of shape, teed off, ticked off; Austral./NZ informal ropeable, snaky; poetic/literary wrathful; archaic wroth.
an angry debate : HEATED, passionate, stormy, lively; bad-tempered, ill-tempered, acrimonious, bitter.
angry sores : INFLAMED, red, swollen, sore, painful.
pleased, good-humoured.
25A0; get angry LOSE ONE'S TEMPER, become enraged, go into a rage, go berserk, flare up; informal go mad/crazy/wild, go bananas, hit the roof, go through the roof, go up the wall, see red, go off the deep end, fly off the handle, blow one's top, blow a fuse/gasket, lose one's rag, flip (one's lid), have a fit, foam at the mouth, explode, go non-linear, go ballistic; Brit. informal go spare, do one's nut; N. Amer. informal flip one's wig, blow one's lid/stack, have a conniption fit.