adj. 25B6; adjective
an energetic woman : ACTIVE, lively, dynamic, zestful, spirited, animated, vital, vibrant, bouncy, bubbly, exuberant, perky, frisky, sprightly, tireless, indefatigable, enthusiastic; informal peppy, sparky, feisty, full of beans, full of the joys of spring, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
energetic exercises : VIGOROUS, strenuous, brisk; hard, arduous, demanding, taxing, tough, rigorous.
an energetic advertising campaign : FORCEFUL, vigorous, high-powered, all-out, determined, bold, powerful, potent; intensive, hard-hitting, pulling no punches, aggressive, high-octane; informal punchy, in-your-face.
lethargic, gentle, half-hearted.