adj. 25B6; adjective
exuberant guests dancing on the terrace : EBULLIENT, buoyant, cheerful, jaunty, light-hearted, high-spirited, exhilarated, excited, elated, exultant, euphoric, joyful, cheery, merry, jubilant, vivacious, enthusiastic, irrepressible, energetic, animated, full of life, lively, vigorous; informal bubbly, bouncy, chipper, chirpy, full of beans; poetic/literary blithe, blithesome.
an exuberant coating of mosses : LUXURIANT, lush, rich, dense, thick, abundant, profuse, plentiful, prolific.
an exuberant welcome : EFFUSIVE, extravagant, fulsome, expansive, gushing, gushy, demonstrative.
gloomy, restrained.