n. 25B6; noun SICKNESS, disease, ailment, complaint, malady, affliction, infection, indisposition; ill health, poor health, infirmity; informal bug, virus; Brit. informal lurgy; Austral. informal wog; dated contagion. See lists.
good health.
Physical Illnesses and Medical Conditions
achondroplasia ketosis
acidosis Klinefelter's syndrome
acromegaly kuru
Addison's disease kwashiorkor
agranulocytosis kyphosis
Aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) laryngitis
ainhum Lassa fever
alopecia lathyrism
altitude sickness legionnaires' disease
Alzheimer's disease leishmaniasis
amaurosis leprosy
amoebiasis leptospirosis
anaemia Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Angelman's syndrome leukaemia
angina lipidosis
ankylosing spondylitis listeriosis
ankylosis locomotor ataxia
anthrax loiasis
aplastic anaemia lordosis
appendicitis Lou Gehrig's disease
arc eye lupus
arteriosclerosis Lyme disease
arteritis malaria
arthritis Marburg disease
asbestosis Marfan's syndrome
ascariasis measles
ascites Ménière's disease
aspergillosis meningitis
asthenia Minamata disease
asthma mononeucleosis
ataxia motor neurone disease
atheroma mountain sickness
atherosclerosis multiple sclerosis (MS)
athetosis mumps
athlete's foot muscular dystrophy
avitaminosis myalgic encephalitis (ME)
bartholinitis myasthenia gravis
Bell's palsy mycetoma
the bends mycosis
beriberi myelopathy
berylliosis myxoedema
bilharzia narcolepsy
bird fancier's lung necrotizing fasciitis
black lung nephrosis
blackwater fever neurofibromatosis
blastomycosis neuropathy
Bornholm disease non-specific urethritis (NSU)
botulism oedema
Bright's disease oriental sore
bronchitis osteoarthritis
bronchopneumonia osteoporosis
brucellosis otosclerosis
bubonic plague Paget's disease
Buerger's disease paratyphoid
Burkitt's lymphoma paresis
byssinosis Parkinson's disease
cachexia Patau's syndrome
cancer pellagra
candidiasis pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
cardiomyopathy pemphigus
carditis peritonitis
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) pernicious anaemia
cataract pertussis
cat scratch fever Peyronie's disease
cerebral palsy phenylketonuria (PKU)
Chagas' disease phlebitis
chickenpox Pick's disease
chikungunya pityriasis
chloracne plague
chlorosis pleurisy
cholera pleuropneumonia
chorea pneumoconiosis
Christmas disease pneumonia
chronic fatigue syndrome podagra
ciguaterra poliomyelitis
cirrhosis polyposis
coeliac disease Pontiac fever
colic porphyria
coloboma Prader-Willi syndrome
common cold prickly heat
coronary heart disease prurigo
cor pulmonale psittacosis
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) psoriasis
Crohn's disease puerperal fever
croup Q fever
cryptococcosis quinsy
cryptosporidiosis rabies
Cushing's disease radiation sickness
Cushing's syndrome rat-bite fever
cyanosis Raynaud's disease
cystic fibrosis Reiter's syndrome
cystitis repetitive strain injury (RSI)
decompression sickness retinitis pigmentosa
dengue retinopathy
dermatitis Reye's syndrome
diabetes rheumatic fever
diphtheria rheumatism
diverticular disease rheumatoid arthritis
diverticulitis rickets
double pneumonia ringworm
Down's syndrome river blindness
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) rubella
Dupuytren's contracture St Vitus's dance
dysentery salmonella
Ebola fever Sanfilippo's syndrome
eclampsia sarcoidosis
eczema scabies
elephantiasis scarlet fever
emphysema schizophrenia
empyema sciatica
encephalitis scleroderma
encephalopathy sclerosis
endocarditis scoliosis
endometriosis scrofula
endometritis scrub typhus
enteritis scurvy
enteropathy septicaemia
epidermolysis shingles
epilepsy sick building syndrome (SBS)
ergotism sickle-cell anaemia
erysipelas silicosis
falciparum sinusitis
fascioliasis Sjögren's syndrome
fibrositis sleeping sickness
filariasis sleepy sickness
flu smallpox
fluorosis spina bifida
food poisoning spondylosis
fragile X syndrome spotted fever
frozen shoulder sprue
full-blown Aids steatosis
gangrene stenosis
gastritis strabismus
gastroenteritis strangury
Gaucher's disease sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
German measles sunstroke
giardiasis sweating sickness
gigantism Sydenham's chorea
glandular fever syphilis
glaucoma syringomyelia
glue ear TaySachs disease
glycosuria tenosynovitis
goitre tetanus
gonorrhoea tetany
gout thalassaemia
Graves' disease thrombosis
Guillain-Barré syndrome thrush
Gulf War syndrome tonsillitis
haemophilia torticollis
Hansen's disease Tourette's syndrome
Hashimoto's disease toxaemia
hay fever toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
heat stroke toxocariasis
helminthiasis toxoplasmosis
hepatitis trachoma
hernia trench fever
herpes trench foot
Hirschsprung's disease trichinosis
histoplasmosis trichomoniasis
hives trigeminal neuralgia
Hodgkin's disease trisomy
hookworm trypanosomiasis
Horner's syndrome tuberculosis
Huntington's chorea Turner's syndrome
Hurler's syndrome typhoid
hydramnios typhus
hydrocephalus undulant fever
hyperglycaemia urolithiasis
hypertension urticaria
hyperthyroidism vaginismus
hypoglycaemia variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD)
hypothermia venereal disease
hypothryroidism vitiligo
hypoxia von Recklinghausen's disease
ichthyosis von Willebrand's disease
impetigo Weil's disease
influenza Werner's syndrome
insulitis Wernicke's syndrome
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) whooping cough
jaundice wryneck
kala-azar xeroderma
Kaposi's sarcoma yaws
Kawasaki disease yellow fever
Psychological Illnesses and Conditions
See also phobia . Korsakoff's syndrome
anorexia nervosa manic depression
Asperger's syndrome megalomania
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) multiple personality disorder
autism Munchausen's syndrome
bulimia nervosa Munchausen's syndrome by proxy
catatonia obsessive-compulsive disorder
combat fatigue panic disorder
dementia paramnesia
clinical depression paranoia
dysphoria paraphilia
dysthymia pica
eating disorder post-natal depression
erotomania post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
false memory syndrome psychosis
gender dysphoria schizo-affective disorder
hebephrenia schizophrenia
hyperactivity seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
hyperkinesis shell shock