Meaning of INVENTOR in English

n. 25B6; noun ORIGINATOR, creator, innovator; designer, deviser, developer, maker, producer; author, architect; pioneer, mastermind, father. See list.

Inventors and Their Inventions

Abbe, Ernst apochromatic lens

Archimedes Archimedean screw

Arkwright, Richard water-powered spinning machine

Armstrong, Edwin FM radio

Auer, Karl incandescent gas mantle

Babbage, Charles calculating machine

Baekeland, Leo Bakelite

Baird, John Logie mechanical television system

Bell, Alexander Graham telephone

Berliner, Emile flat phonograph disc

Bessemer, Henry Bessemer process

Birdseye, Clarence process for freezing food in small packages

Biró, László the ‘biro’

Bodmer, Johann machine tools

Braille, Louis Braille raised-dot writing system

Bramah, Joseph hydraulic press

Braun, Karl coupled system of radio transmission

Bunsen, Robert Bunsen burner

Cartwright, Edmund power loom

Cayley, George caterpillar tractor

Cockerell, Christopher hovercraft

Colt, Samuel Colt revolver

Cooke, William Fothergill electric telegraph alarm

Creed, Frederick Creed teleprinter

Crompton, Samuel spinning mule

Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé first practical photographic process

Davy, Humphry Davy lamp

Deere, John first cast-steel plough

De Forest, Lee triode valve

Dewar, James vacuum flask

Diesel, Rudolf diesel engine

Dunlop, John pneumatic tyre

Dyson, James bagless vacuum cleaner

Eastman, George photographic roll film and Kodak box camera

Edison, Thomas phonograph and carbon filament lamp

Elion, Gertrude B. DNA-blocking drugs

Fahrenheit, Gabriel mercury thermometer

Fessenden, Reginald heterodyne receiver

Foucault, Jean gyroscope

Friese-Greene, William motion-picture camera

Fulton, Robert paddle-wheel steamboat

Gabor, Dennis holography

Gatling, Richard Gatling gun

Goldmark, Peter long-playing record

Goodyear, Charles vulcanized rubber

Guericke, Otto von air pump

Gutenberg, Johannes printing with movable type

Hargreaves, James spinning jenny

Helmholtz, Hermann von ophthalmoscope

Hero of Alexandria ‘aeolipyle’ (earliest known steam engine)

Hoe, Richard first successful rotary printing press

Hollerith, Herman tabulating machine using punched cards

Hooke, Robert balance spring for watches

Hotchkiss, Benjamin Berkeley Hotchkiss gun

Howe, Elias sewing machine

Ives, Frederick halftone photography

Jacquard, Joseph-Marie Jacquard loom

Laënnec, René stethoscope

Land, Edwin Polaroid camera

Lumière, Auguste ‘Cinématograph’

Lumière, Louis ‘Cinématograph’

McAdam, John macadamization of roads

McCormick, Cyrus reaping machine

MacMillan, Kirkpatrick pedal cycle

Maxim, Hiram Maxim machine gun

Montgolfier, Jacques-Étienne hot-air balloon

Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel hot-air balloon

Morse, Samuel Finley telegraph and morse code

Newcomen, Thomas steam piston engine

Nobel, Alfred Bernhard dynamite and gelignite

Niépce, Joseph-Nicéphore permanent photographic images

Otis, Elisha first elevator with a safety device

Parsons, Charles steam turbine

Piccard, Auguste bathyscape

Senefelder, Aloys lithography

Shockley, William transistor

Sholes, Christopher typewriter

Shrapnel, Henry shrapnel shell

Siemens, William open-hearth steel furnace

Singer, Isaac first successful sewing machine

Stephenson, George steam locomotive

Su Sung an astronomical water clock

Tesla, Nikola transformer

Townes, Charles maser

Tull, Jethro seed drill

Volta, Alessandro, Count first electric battery

Watt, James improved steam engine

Wheatstone, Charles electric telegraph and rheostat

Whitney, Eli mechanical cotton-gin

Whittle, Frank jet aircraft engine

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