n. 25B6; noun
the porter's lodge : GATEHOUSE, cottage.
a hunting lodge : HOUSE, cottage, cabin, chalet; Brit. shooting box.
a beaver's lodge : DEN, lair, hole, sett; retreat, haunt, shelter.
a Masonic lodge : SECTION, branch, wing; hall, clubhouse, meeting room; N. Amer. chapter.
25B6; verb
William lodged at our house : RESIDE, board, stay, live, have lodgings, have rooms, put up, be quartered, stop; N. Amer. room; informal have digs; formal dwell, be domiciled, sojourn; archaic abide.
they were lodged at an inn : ACCOMMODATE, put up, take in, house, board, billet, quarter, shelter.
the government lodged a protest : SUBMIT, register, enter, put forward, advance, lay, present, tender, proffer, put on record, record, table, file.
the money was lodged in a bank : DEPOSIT, put, bank; stash, store, stow, put away, squirrel away.
the bullet lodged in his back : BECOME FIXED, embed itself, become embedded, become implanted, get/become stuck, stick, catch, become caught, wedge.