n. 25B6; noun
his lust for her : SEXUAL DESIRE, sexual appetite, sexual longing, ardour, desire, passion; libido, sex drive, sexuality, biological urge; lechery, lecherousness, lasciviousness; informal horniness, the hots; Brit. informal randiness.
a lust for power : GREED, desire, craving, covetousness, eagerness, avidity, cupidity, longing, yearning, hunger, thirst, appetite, hankering.
dread, aversion.
25B6; verb
he lusted after his employer's wife : DESIRE, be consumed with desire for, find sexually attractive, crave, covet, ache for, burn for, pant for; informal have the hots for, lech after/over, fancy, have a thing about/for, drool over, have the horn for.
she lusted after adventure : CRAVE, desire, covet, want, wish for, long for, yearn for, dream of, hanker for, hanker after, hunger for, thirst for, ache for.
dread, avoid.