Meaning of PHOBIA in English

n. 25B6; noun ABNORMAL FEAR, irrational fear, obsessive fear, dread, horror, terror, hatred, loathing, detestation, aversion, antipathy, revulsion; complex, neurosis; informal thing, hang-up. See list.


object of fear or dislike phobia

air travel aerophobia

American people and things Americophobia

animals zoophobia

bacteria bacteriophobia

beards pogonophobia

beating mastigophobia

bed clinophobia

bees apiphobia

being buried alive taphephobia

birds ornithophobia

blood haemophobia

blushing erythrophobia

body odour bromidrosiphobia

bridges gephyrophobia

bullets ballistophobia

cancer carcinophobia

cats ailurophobia

childbirth tocophobia

children paedophobia

Chinese people and things Sinophobia

church ecclesiophobia

clouds nephophobia

coitus coitophobia

cold cheimaphobia

colour chromophobia

comets cometophobia

computers cyberphobia

constipation coprostasophobia

corpses necrophobia

correspondence epistolophobia

crowds demophobia/ochlophobia

dampness hygrophobia

darkness scotophobia

dawn eosophobia

death thanatophobia

depth bathophobia

dirt mysophobia

disease pathophobia/nosophobia

dogs cynophobia

dreams oneirophobia

drink potophobia

drugs pharmacophobia

dust koniophobia

electricity electrophobia

enclosed places claustrophobia

English people and things Anglophobia

everything panophobia/pantophobia

eyes ommetaphobia

faeces coprophobia

failure kakorrhaphiaphobia

fatigue kopophobia

fear phobophobia

feathers pteronophobia

fever febriphobia

fire pyrophobia

fish ichthyophobia

flesh selaphobia

floods antlophobia

flowers anthophobia

fog homichlophobia

food cibophobia/sitophobia

foreigners xenophobia

freedom eleutherophobia

French people and things Francophobia/Gallophobia

fur doraphobia

German people and things Germanophobia/Teutophobia

germs spermophobia/bacteriophobia

ghosts phasmophobia

giving birth to monsters teratophobia

glass nelophobia

God theophobia

gold chrysophobia/aurophobia

hair trichophobia

heart disease cardiophobia

heat thermophobia

heaven uranophobia

hell hadephobia/stygiophobia

heredity patroiophobia

high buildings batophobia

high places acrophobia/hypsophobia

home oikophobia

homosexuals homophobia

horses hippophobia

ice cryophobia

ideas ideophobia

idleness thassophobia

illness nosophobia

imperfection atelophobia

infinity apeirophobia

injury traumatophobia

inoculation trypanophobia/vaccinophobia

insanity lyssophobia/maniphobia

insects entomophobia

insect stings cnidophobia

Italian people and things Italophobia

itching acarophobia

jealousy zelotypophobia

justice dikephobia

lakes limnophobia

leprosy leprophobia

lice pediculophobia

light photophobia

lightning astrapophobia

lists pinaciphobia/katastichophobia

loneliness autophobia/ermitophobia

machinery mechanophobia

magic rhabdophobia

marriage gametophobia

men androphobia

metal metallophobia

mice musophobia

microbes bacillophobia/microbiophobia

mirrors eisoptrophobia

mites acarophobia

mobs ochlophobia

money chrematophobia

motion kinetophobia

music musicophobia

names onomatophobia

narrowness anginophobia

needles belonephobia

new things neophobia

night nyctophobia

nudity gymnophobia

open places agoraphobia

pain algophobia

parasites parasitophobia

people anthropophobia

philosophy philosophobia

pins enetophobia

places topophobia

pleasure hedonophobia

poison toxiphobia

politics politicophobia

Pope papaphobia

poverty peniaphobia

precipices cremnophobia

priests hierophobia

punishment poinephobia

rabies hydrophobophobia

rail travel siderodromophobia

religious works of art iconophobia

reptiles batrachophobia

responsibility hypegiaphobia

ridicule katagelophobia

rivers potamophobia

robbers harpaxophobia

ruin atephobia

Russian people and things Russophobia

saints hagiophobia

Satan Satanophobia

scabies scabiophobia

Scottish people and things Scotophobia

sea thalassophobia

sex erotophobia

shadows sciophobia

sharpness acrophobia

shock hormephobia

sin hamartophobia

skin disease dermatosiophobia/dermatopathophobia

sleep hypnophobia

slime blennophobia

small things microphobia

smell olfactophobia/osmophobia

smothering pnigerophobia

snakes ophidiophobia

snow chionophobia

solitude eremophobia

sound acousticophobia

sourness acerophobia

speech lalophobia/glossophobia/phonophobia

speed tachophobia

spiders arachnophobia

standing stasophobia

stars siderophobia

stealing kleptophobia

string linonophobia

stuttering laliophobia

sun heliophobia

swallowing phagophobia

symmetry symmetrophobia

taste geumatophobia

technology technophobia

teeth odontophobia

telephone telephonophobia

thinking phronemophobia

thirteen triskaidekaphobia

thunder brontophobia/tonitrophobia/keraunophobia

time chronophobia

touch haptophobia

travel hodophobia

tuberculosis phthisiophobia

tyrants tyrannophobia

vehicles ochophobia

venereal disease syphilophobia

voids kenophobia

vomiting emetophobia

water hydrophobia

waves cymophobia

weakness asthenophobia

wind anemophobia

women gynophobia

words logophobia

work ergophobia

worms helminthophobia

writing graphophobia

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