n. 25B6; noun offenders were put in the pillory : STOCKS.
25B6; verb
he was pilloried by the press : ATTACK, criticize, censure, condemn, denigrate, lambaste, savage, stigmatize, denounce; informal knock, slam, pan, bash, crucify, hammer; Brit. informal slate, rubbish, slag off; N. Amer. informal pummel; Austral./NZ informal bag, monster; formal excoriate.
they were pilloried at school : RIDICULE, jeer at, sneer at, deride, mock, scorn, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, scoff at, tease, taunt, rag; informal kid, rib, josh, take the mickey out of; N. Amer. informal razz, pull someone's chain.