adj. 25B6; adjective
the proud parents beamed : PLEASED, glad, happy, delighted, joyful, overjoyed, thrilled, satisfied, gratified, content.
a proud day : PLEASING, gratifying, satisfying, cheering, heart-warming; happy, good, glorious, memorable, notable, red-letter.
they were poor but proud : SELF-RESPECTING, dignified, noble, worthy; independent.
I'm not too proud to admit I'm wrong : ARROGANT, conceited, vain, self-important, full of oneself, puffed up, swollen-headed, jumped-up, smug, complacent, disdainful, condescending, scornful, supercilious, snobbish, imperious, pompous, overbearing, bumptious, haughty; informal big-headed, too big for one's boots, high and mighty, stuck-up, uppity, snooty, highfalutin; Brit. informal toffee-nosed; poetic/literary vainglorious; rare hubristic.
the proud ships : MAGNIFICENT, splendid, resplendent, grand, noble, stately, imposing, dignified, striking, impressive, majestic, glorious, awe-inspiring, awesome, monumental.
the switch is proud of the wall : PROJECTING, sticking out/up, jutting (out), protruding, prominent, raised, convex, elevated.
ashamed, shameful, humble, modest, unimpressive, concave, flush.