n. 25B6; adjective
the provincial government : REGIONAL, state, territorial, district, local; sectoral, zonal, cantonal, county.
provincial areas : NON-METROPOLITAN, small-town, non-urban, outlying, rural, country, rustic, backwoods, backwater; informal one-horse; N. Amer. informal hick, freshwater.
they're so dull and provincial : UNSOPHISTICATED, narrow-minded, parochial, small-town, suburban, insular, parish-pump, inward-looking, conservative; small-minded, blinkered, bigoted, prejudiced; N. Amer. informal jerkwater, corn-fed.
national, metropolitan, cosmopolitan, sophisticated, broad-minded.
25B6; noun they were dismissed as provincials : (COUNTRY) BUMPKIN, country cousin, rustic, yokel, village idiot, peasant; Irish informal culchie; N. Amer. informal hayseed, hick, rube, hillbilly.