n. 25B6; noun she gazed at him in rapture : ECSTASY, bliss, exaltation, euphoria, elation, joy, enchantment, delight, happiness, pleasure.
25A0; go into raptures ENTHUSE, rhapsodize, rave, gush, wax lyrical; praise something to the skies.
n. 25B6; noun she gazed at him in rapture : ECSTASY, bliss, exaltation, euphoria, elation, joy, enchantment, delight, happiness, pleasure.
25A0; go into raptures ENTHUSE, rhapsodize, rave, gush, wax lyrical; praise something to the skies.
Concise Oxford thesaurus English vocabulary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка тезаурус. 2012