v. 25B6; verb she twiddled the dials : TURN, twist, swivel, twirl; adjust, move, jiggle; fiddle with, play with.
25A0; twiddle one's thumbs BE IDLE, kick one's heels, kill time, waste time; informal hang around/round; Brit. informal hang about.
v. 25B6; verb she twiddled the dials : TURN, twist, swivel, twirl; adjust, move, jiggle; fiddle with, play with.
25A0; twiddle one's thumbs BE IDLE, kick one's heels, kill time, waste time; informal hang around/round; Brit. informal hang about.
Concise Oxford thesaurus English vocabulary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка тезаурус. 2012