n. 25B6; noun
test your understanding of the language : COMPREHENSION, apprehension, grasp, mastery, appreciation, assimilation, absorption; knowledge, awareness, insight, skill, expertise, proficiency; informal know-how; formal cognizance.
a young man of brilliant understanding : INTELLECT, intelligence, brainpower, brains, judgement, reasoning, mentality; insight, intuition, shrewdness, acumen, sagacity, wisdom, wit; informal nous, savvy, know-how.
it was my understanding that this was free : BELIEF, perception, view, conviction, feeling, opinion, intuition, impression, assumption, supposition.
he treated me with understanding : COMPASSION, sympathy, pity, feeling, concern, consideration, kindness, sensitivity, decency, humanity, charity, goodwill, mercy, tolerance.
we had a tacit understanding : AGREEMENT, arrangement, deal, bargain, settlement, pledge, pact, compact, contract, covenant, bond.
ignorance, indifference.
25B6; adjective an understanding friend : COMPASSIONATE, sympathetic, sensitive, considerate, tender, kind, thoughtful, tolerant, patient, forbearing, lenient, merciful, forgiving, humane; approachable, supportive, perceptive.