■ verb 'aspəreɪt
1》 Phonetics pronounce (a sound) with an exhalation of breath.
↘pronounce the sound of h at the beginning of a word.
2》 Medicine breathe (something) in.
↘ Medicine draw (fluid) by suction from a bodily vessel or cavity.
3》 [as adjective ~d ] (of an internal-combustion engine) provided with air.
■ noun 'asp(ə)rət
1》 Phonetics an ~d consonant.
↘a sound of h .
2》 Medicine matter that has been drawn from the body by aspiration.
■ adjective 'asp(ə)rət Phonetics (of a sound) ~d.
C16: from L. aspiratus 'breathed', from aspirare (see aspire ).